Advanced Dental Procedures in Winnipeg

At Sunrise Dental Centre, we understand the importance of having a healthy and aesthetically pleasing smile. That's why we're proud to provide extensive dental procedures to Winnipeg, Transcona, and their surrounding communities. You can rest assured that you're in good hands as our dental team brings a wealth of experience and knowledge to your corner.
Whether you need a routine dental exam or dental implants, our Winnipeg dental clinic is here for you. We take great pride in treating each of our patients with the compassion they deserve, and we'll do the same for you. Reach out to us today to schedule your next appointment and discover which of our dental procedures is right for your smile!
Basic Dental Services
A standard of excellence in personalized dental care enables our preventative dental office to provide the quality dental services our patients deserve.
We provide comprehensive treatment planning and use a wide variety of leading tools and techniques in our industry to achieve your optimal dental health.
Dental Hygiene, Exams & Diagnosis
A comprehensive dental exam will be performed by your dentist at your initial dental visit. At regular check-up exams, your dentist and hygienist will perform diagnostic X-rays, an oral cancer screening, gum disease evaluation, examination of tooth decay, and examination of existing restorations like crowns or fillings.
Professional dental cleanings are usually performed by registered dental hygienists. Your cleaning appointment will include a dental exam and removal of calculus (tartar), removal of plaque and teeth polishing to remove stain and plaque that is not otherwise removed during tooth brushing and scaling.
How We Do Cleanings & Deep Cleanings
See the explainer videos below.
Other Services
Unrelated to receiving a crown on a tooth, as noted in the procedure above, crown lengthening is a versatile and common procedure that has many effective uses and benefits. The vast majority of patients who have undergone this type of surgery are highly delighted with the results.
Simple Tooth Extractions
If you are experiencing extreme sensitivity or are suffering from advanced periodontal disease, you may be required to have a tooth extracted. With a simple extraction, the dentist can safely remove the affected tooth without the need for major surgery.
There are numerous situations in which a simple extraction can help alleviate pain or prepare you for another cosmetic or restorative procedure. Some common reasons for extraction include:
• Advanced periodontal disease that has loosened the tooth roots
• Extra teeth or baby teeth that impede adult teeth
• Preparing a patient for orthodontic treatment
• Removing a fractured or malformed tooth
• Severe tooth decay which cannot be remedied with root canal therapy
What to Know
Get information below on tooth extractions, extracting wisdom teeth and post-surgery instructions in the videos below.
Oral Cancer Screenings
Oral cancer can easily be diagnosed with an annual oral cancer exam, and effectively treated when caught in its earliest stages. Oral cancer is a process which begins with an asymptomatic stage, during which the usual cancer signs may not be readily noticeable. This makes the oral cancer examinations performed by the dentist critically important.
The most common type of oral cancer is the malignant squamous cell carcinoma. This oral cancer type usually originates in lip and mouth tissues. It is important to note that around 75 percent of oral cancers are linked with modifiable behaviors such as smoking, tobacco use and excessive alcohol consumption. We can provide literature and education on making lifestyle changes and smoking cessation for clients as needed.
During bi-annual check-ups, the dentist and hygienist will thoroughly look for changes and lesions in the mouth, but a dedicated comprehensive oral cancer screening should be performed at least once each year.
A sealant is a thin, plastic coating applied to the chewing surface of molars, premolars and any deep grooves (called pits and fissures) of teeth. More than 75% of dental decay begins in these deep grooves.
Teeth with these conditions are hard to clean and are very susceptible to decay. A sealant protects the tooth by sealing deep grooves, creating a smooth, easy to clean surface.
Reasons for sealants:
Children and teenagers: As soon as the six-year molars (the first permanent back teeth) appear or any time throughout the cavity prone years of 6-16.
Adults: Tooth surfaces without decay that have deep grooves or depressions.
Baby teeth: Occasionally done if teeth have deep grooves or depressions and child is cavity prone.
Sealants can protect teeth from decay for many years, but need to be checked for wear and chipping at regular dental visits.